The machine may very well work with many other versions of PIC not in their list. Looking it over, it doesn't seem to be a comprehensive list, just one that covers what they tested. The machine has a list of PICs and other EEPROM chips it works with. However, here is the issue i had, and thought that my fix would be welcome to others besides myself. I have been a IS person since the 70s, and looked over the assembler languages of the PICs and figure its not that hard (I remember 6502 back when it was a relatively 'new' chip) I have some experience with the Basic Stamp, and while it nice, its slow. the price was right, it handled a lot of different chips, and being relatively cheap now, was a good way to jump in the pool. after looking all over, i decided on a Willem. I recently decided to solve some of my EE problems by taking the plunge in the short end of the pool.